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A patio, pool or garden path or entertainment area of sandstone pavers is a classic look, bringing a warm beauty to any outdoor area. Good quality stone does not come cheap, but with consistent upkeep and maintenance, even larger outdoor installations can retain their impressive looks for years. Here are some of the essential tips from our sandstone experts on how to keep your pavers clean and looking great.


Maintaining a sandstone pavement is similar to other natural products.

Simply sweeping the pavers with a soft broom and then hosing them down will help reduce the amount of dirt which gets ground into the texture of the stone. Try to avoid using high-pressure cleaning tools such as a “Gerni” pressure washer as this is likely to pit the surface of your stone.

For instances of foliage staining, mould growth and discolouration, the typical cleaning method is usually a liquid chlorine and water solution. Leave the solution on the stone for several minutes before hosing the sandstone down thoroughly. Using harsh abrasive chemicals is not recommended for Aussie sandstone. You should consult with installers and stonemasons for other tips and tricks of maintaining the look of your stone.


You may also want to consider sealing your sandstone for long term care. Make sure you choose a sandstone-safe penetrative sealer and consult with experts in sealing and maintenance for application tips.  Sealing is optional for salt-free environments however if in contact with salt water, we highly recommend sealing and appropriate fixing precautions be taken.