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At Gosford Quarries, we are committed to business practices that are environmentally sustainable as we offer high-quality sandstone. Resistant to weathering and highly durable, sandstone is ideal for use in the construction of buildings and outdoor projects. From the beginning to the end of our manufacturing process, we promote sustainable business practices through conscientious sourcing, reducing waste, employing the local community, and providing a quality product. Because thoughtful ethics are a cornerstone of good dealings, we put our values first in everything we do.


The earth creates sandstone on an on-going basis. A natural stone, sandstone comes from a readily-available source and its production uses much less energy than does the production of brick and concrete.  Because sandstone is so easily reusable, we are proud to say that nearly one hundred percent of excess sandstone is recycled into another project.


Sandstone is already a highly reusable material. It can be used again and again to build new projects or as part of the foundation for restoring an old project. Very little water is used to manufacture sandstone and we are careful in our manufacturing process to be conscientious of areas in which we can conserve even more of the earth’s natural resources, wasting as little as possible and recycling every material we can.


Providing jobs for local Australians is one of our deep core values. People are the future. We believe Gosford Quarries was built upon a commitment to the people, so we strive to continue that legacy by building our future around quality people and a quality product.


Quality should never come before environmental sustainability. In fact, we believe a quality product is, by definition, one that promotes sustainable living in every possible way. Sandstone is one of the most beautiful and useful natural materials on the planet, arming architectural spaces with both elegance and durability. We are serious about maintaining a stellar production process that sustains the natural beauty of the stone while perpetuating the material’s most winsome qualities.

The earth is the source upon which we depend for our sandstone product, which is one of the many reasons we believe in nurturing it. We honour the source of our materials by striving to waste little, to provide work for the community, and by defining quality as a product produced sustainably.