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Gosford Quarries is a proud partner of Western Sydney Academy of Sport fundraiser which supports athletes in the region pushing their Olympic dreams.  The event was held at Castle Hill RSL and was attended by many Australian Olympic Champions like swimmer Matt Dunn.

“The event was attended by business and sporting community, to raise funds for Western Sydney’s talented young athletes and help them achieve their sporting goals, through the provision of quality high performance training programs. This support includes personal development, educational and technical assistance. The Academy has grown in its 11 year history from initially having 20-30 athletes per year to currently 200 athletes per year supported across 10 different sports programs. Funding support also comes from State government and 10 local councils in Western Sydney. Copyright (c) 2016 Girn & Associates Pty Ltd t/a Know My Life.”

Gosford Quarries is always proud to support rising Stars of our local communities and we wish these inspiring athletes and rising stars all the best in the upcoming Rio Olympics.