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A striking garden always holds the potential to elevate any home’s overall aesthetics. After years of innovation and creativity in the landscaping industry, the one constant is the appeal and versatility of sandstone.

In this blog, we explore some inventive ways to include sandstone in your landscaping.

Why Sandstone?

Sandstone is a natural, unique material that works wonders when decorating an outdoor setting for summer. Sandstone is economical and is available in a mix of sizes, colours, and surface finishes. Their most important feature, however, is the possibilities that can be created using the sculptural beauty for mesmerising designs, making it one of the most popular stone choices in garden paving for centuries.

Cascading Staircases

If you have a sloping backyard, placing several sizeable slabs of sandstone can make for a spectacular, cascading staircase for you to ascend. Naturally slip resistant and durable these steps will stand the test of time and be a reliable feature in any garden.

Walkways & Bridges

At times, a garden can look simply like an ocean of green. By carefully laying down some sandstone, you can create striking walkways or patios that are also incredibly durable and simple to maintain. If you are lucky enough to have an inclusion of water on your property, why not build up that sandstone and create a quaint bridge that will allow you to cross more easily?

Retaining Walls

Retaining walls are always the perfect inclusion to an outdoor setting. Appealing and easing the distinction between man-made and nature, the size, scale and design is completely up to you. Gosford quarries has an abundance of retaining wall solutions ranging from rustic landscaping logs to traditional rock faced dimension blocks.


Over swimming pools, ponds, or even pre-existing water features, nothing elevates the ambiance more than a trickling waterfall. Having water pass through the glistening, rocky surface of sandstone will transport any viewer into the heart of nature, both relaxing and transcending their outdoor experience.

Sandstone edging, seating and planter boxes

When lining your lawn area, flower beds, fire pits, or any other feature you enjoy outdoors, laying down, Sandstone edging, seating and planter boxes will give you a sense of structure, elegance and practicality making it easier for you to maintain your garden.

Work with the Professionals

If you are considering including sandstone in your landscaping design, trust the professionals at Gosford Quarries to help pick out the right products for you.