Our Valued Gosford Quarries customers, family and friends,

Today is not about Gosford Quarries as a business, but rather a message of sincere gratitude from us to the multiple number of people who rang or emailed us following the horrific Bombing disaster of our beloved Beirut on August 4th.

We have been truly humbled by your kind messages and queries on the wellbeing of our direct family in Lebanon. We count ourselves blessed as some members only lost their homes and possessions. But the real loss is to those whose loved ones they’ll never get to see again, including our very own Australian, 2 year old Isaac Oehlers.

We’ve been inundated with your queries as to how you can donate to help in the Relief effort. We’re personally recommending donating through Maronites on Mission’s Beirut Disaster Relief who is working with trusted NGO’s on the ground. Click here to donate.

Once again, we ask you to continue to pray for the Lebanese people who have to bear so much more than most.

As Lebanese immigrants, The Sarkis family knows very well just how fortunate we are to be living in Australia and to be in a position to support the vulnerable around the world. Thank you.

Warm Regards

Antoinette Sarkis

On behalf of the board of Gosford Quarries

